Thursday, October 30, 2008


I just realized how much I have used this blog. It started out as an assignment just a couple of months ago, but since then, I have ran away from home, fallen in love, accidently exposed a rebel group, and broken into the Special Circumstances building.
And I never really explained how I decorated it. Well, I did the bows and polka dots because I imagined that would be how a Pretty would decorate it. (As if a Pretty would ever keep a blog.) I put up the nature photos because I just love the majesty of the natural world, and it's a nice reminder to look at them from time to time, even now as I'm hiding out in the Rusty Ruins. I also put up the little ugly plant because it's like me. Ugly at first, but then grows and blooms into something pretty.
Anyway, this is my last blog entry. Or rather, my last blog as an ugly. Yep, I'm finally getting the operation.
I'm going to become Pretty.
You see, David and I rescued all of the Smokies, (except for his father, who was killed by Dr. Cable. My bad.) but there were some casualties. One of them was Shay.
Oh, don't worry, Shay is fine. In fact, she's perfect. She's Pretty.
She was given the operation first because she caused the most trouble out of all the Smokies. Funny how she was the first to get the last thing she wanted. That's my bad too.
Right now we're all hiding out in the Rusty Ruins, waiting for me to go get the operation. Maddy (David's mom, who used to be a doctor) thinks that she can cure the lesions, but she need someone to test them on. Since Shay won't let her try them on her, I volunteered.
It's the only choice. The only way I can redeem myself.
The plan is that I go and get the operation, then in a couple of weeks the Smokies somehow smuggle me the cure, and…
After that isn't known. I could die, or I could lose my mind. Or I could just lose the lesions.
It's funny how I used to want Prettiness so badly, but now I'm dreading the thought.
Well, that happens. Life is always changing.
And so am I.


Aaron Maneha said...

perfect job on ur blog. i think its perfect. meets the standards on what mrs. jackson instruction sheet. ;)

Unknown said...

Awesome job..
I think you portrayed Tally Youngblood really good. You had described her thoughts and feelings as if you were her.
Marisa Santeco

PS: Maybe you should put your profile name "Tally Youngblood" so we know who you are..because for someone who has no clue of this book wouldn't know who you are.

Ashley Hannigan said...

ah well, I'll give you my compliments as well.

Very nice job on the blog. The layout is extremely pretty and invitingI'm glad you explained it in the last post.

Your writing is really quite nice. It brings good voice. I really appreciate the meaning you give each post, the lesson if you will.

Really a nice blog.

Josie said...

Yeah for you!
While reading, I forgot that it was you writing. It really sounds like Tally. I was impressed by the balance of events and interpretation.
Very nice blog.


Kalin said...

I thought that you did an awesome job with your blog. It almost seemed like you were the actual character in the story. The design of your blog is also cool. I liked how the design fit in with the story. I could tell that you knew the story very well. Great job.

Bella Swan said...

you have an amazing way of making people think its the real character. it was a great job and you can tell you read the book

STAR.girl said...

Whoa. I LIKE IT! good job on displaying the character and the life that she lives. I find it very interesting and cant wait to read the series. woo hoo.



Tally Youngblood said...

I really like this post is particular because it does a good job of summing up the whole book. It really seems to be from Tally's point of view, and you can totally hear her voice in it. I also like how you have a reason for her having the blog, like its an assignment. Only little teensy thing is that it seems like the death of David's father should get more emotion that just "my bad." but that's just a little teensy thing. Over all, I think this is a very good blog, good job.


amandaroberts said...

Your layout is so intriguing and facinating it makes me want to look at your site forever. Your blog was also very well written and you seemed to really understand the book and think outside the box a little. You have an amazing talent to turn yourself into another different character when you write and you can really tell. AWESOME job :]

cody said...

I like your blog it is really neat. I really like the background it is cool. i think that i am going to have to read the book, it sounds really good.

thimbles10031 said...

wow it is like you became the charactor itself you made me feel like i was reading the blog from the persons view not your own. pretty flawless for me

-tristen harbowy

gerrit said...

this book sounds strange. you did a good job on writing it, you made it seem like you were that person. this lady cares about her image a lot.

kahu said...

you did an awsome job! you are an amazing writer. it made me feel like i was someone living in this place.

katie said...

omg i said that "this is the best pretties blog iv seen" to the last person i comented on but this is seriously the nicest and the wording is better i understand how she feels and wat goes on in the book now=) this is great keep up the good work!

review said...

I think you did an awesome job. You really nailed the character and your blog pictures and decorations nail and give the reader a greater understanding of what is going through the characters mind, personality and such. Good Job!!!


review said...

eh i am so ur mastah! thanks fer commenting on mines...i do agree tho i couldn't really decide on wut to write about him cuz...well YOU no so i tried to cover all the good parts which were over a long period of time...also wut sucked too wuz i couldn't figure out the whole layout thing...but you nailed urs which iz purty kool. =p